Hyssop Essential Oil
Latin name: hyssopus officinalis
Extraction by steam distillation from the leaves and flowering tops
Scent is warm and sweet
Colour is from clear to pale yellow/green
Useful during convalescence acts as a tonic
Helps ease respiratory problems and viral infections colds and flu, asthma, bronchitis, etc
Eases colic, indigestion and flatulence
Helps to regulate circulation, and can be used to raise blood pressure
Extremely useful in controlling water retention during the menstrual cycle, as well as helping with amenorrhea and leucorrhoea
Helps to relieve and disperse bruises
Other applications:
In vapour therapy, it can be used to counteract anxiety and mental fatigue
It is non-sensitising and does not irritate the skin but should be used in moderation
Do not use in cases of epilepsy
Not recommended for use during pregnancy
Not for babies, infants or children under 12