The Happy Newspaper

Happy Newspaper Issue 33

£2.50 £3.50

Issue 33 of The Happy Newspaper by Emily Coxhead

A newspaper to celebrate all that's good in the world... The Happy Newspaper is a platform to share positive news and wonderful people.

Issue 33 covers news stories and positive happenings from around the world during December 2023 and January & February 2024.

In this latest issue, find out about the huge increase in Lundy Island bird numbers; read about the community that saved a restaurant which fed them for free ; or about a Manchester Metropolitan University student's lost artwork found 4,000 miles away.

In between the bright pages and happy news updates you will also find a celebration of everyday heroes, motivational and inspiring quotes, along with the odd recipe, and so much more.

This paper is great for the whole family and makes a perfect pick me up or add on gift for any occasion.

Top Tip
Once you have finished reading the newspaper, why not use the pages as wrapping paper? It's a great way to keep spreading the happy stories.

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