Ancient Wisdom

Frankincense Pure Essential Oil


Frankincense Pure Essential Oil
Latin name: buswellia carterii
Also known as Olibanum

Extraction by steam distillation from the oleum gum resin produced when the milky juice from strips of bark react with air and harden

Slightly viscous
Scent is woody and spicy, a bit like camphor, but very pleasant.
Colour is pale yellow to green

Slows down the breathing, helps to sooth the nerves, calms anxiety and creates internal peace
Excellent for use in meditation as it calms the mind
Helps with respiration clears the lungs, provides relief from asthma, bronchitis, etc., as well as coughs and colds
It can ease in cases of heavy periods, and in general it can act as a tonic for the uterus, as well as having a beneficial effect on the urinary tract
It is useful in cases of rheumatism
It is excellent as a skin tonic, and helps with various inflammations of skin carbuncles, sores, wounds, etc.

Other applications:
It is said to be an excellent skin rejuvenator (especially for dry, cracked, mature skin), and it is toning and conditioning, while reducing oily secretions.

It is non-toxic and does not irritate the skin
Although not usually recommended for use during pregnancy, it has been known to give a calming effect during labour
Not for babies or infants

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