
Small Rose Quartz Heart


A beautiful carved Rose Quartz heart.

Rose Quartz is the stone for love and friendship. This beautiful delicate pink crystal promotes self-love and love for others. It has a calming and soothing energy and can help the owner overcome feelings of not being good enough, self-criticism and resentment. Rose Quartz embraces the one true currency of life - love.

The heart shape is a symbol of love and friendship and is the perfect size to carry with you to benefit from its healing properties.

Size: approximately 2.5-3cm (height) x 3cm-4cm (width)
Colour: can vary from light to dark pink
Chakra: Heart
Each crystal heart comes with a small information label.

The product image is a sample image only, and doesn't depict the particular individual crystal you will receive, but we always promise that we will hand pick the best crystals we can.

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